The Influence Of Workload, External Locus Of Control, And Work Family Conflict On Work Satisfaction With Work Stress As Mediation Variable (Palm Oil Plantation Of Pt. Swadaya Sapta Putra)
In general, this study aims to analyze workload, external locus of control, and work- family conflict on job satisfaction with job stress as a mediation variable in field workers in PT. Swadaya Sapta Putra, Bajarau, Parenggean, East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan. The population in this study was as many as 664 employees of PT. Self-Help Sapta Putra, Parenggean. The samples used in this study were as many as 84 people on a plantation area of 1,398,48 Ha.
The results showed that: 1) workload does not have a negative influence on job satisfaction, 2) external locus of control has a negative influence on job satisfaction, 3) work-family conflict has a negative influence on job satisfaction, 4) workload does not have a positive influenceon job stress, 5) external locus of control has a positive effect on job stress, 6) work-family conflict, 7) work stress do not have negative influence on work satisfaction, 8) work stress does not mediate the effect of workload on employee job satisfaction, 9) work stress mediates the effect of external locus of control on employee job satisfaction, and 10) work stress mediates the effect of work-family conflict on employee job satisfaction. This study implies that it is necessary to meet the needs of employees who support the work to bring about employee job satisfaction and not cause external locus of control and stress in work.
Keywords: Workload, External Locus of Control, Work-Family Conflict, Work Stress, Job Satisfaction
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