With the enactment of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) as a single market in the Southeast Asia Region at the end of 2015, it is possible for one country to easily sell goods and services to other countries throughout Southeast Asia so that competition will be fiercer. Barriers to trade will tend to decrease or even become non-existent and open up markets for growing domestic Industry Achieving a satisfactory level of quality has become more difficult as continuous product improvement is required. The perception of quality is objective.
Perception of quality is the customer’s perception of the attributes that are considered important. This study will develop a model of consumer ethnocentrism, social identity, perceived quality on consumer buying interest in ethnic products with consumer attitudes as the intervening variable. This study uses a research sample of consumers of Banyumas typical batik products. The sample of this study was 100 consumers of Banyumas batik users taken by purposive sampling with questionnaires as the data collection method. The data were processed using Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis tools. The data used in this study are primary data collected from respondents’ answers based on the questionnaire given, as many as 100 people. Data processing method uses the path analysis method (Path Analysis) with the help of SPSS version 23.0. Statistical testing uses the individual parameter significance test (t test) and simultaneoussignificance test (F test).
The results showed that simultaneously Lifestyle variables, Consumer Ethnocentrism and Quality Perception significantly influence Work Productivity. Partially shows that analysis, 1: Lifestyle variables significantly influence Purchase Intention, whereas analysis, 2: Consumer Ethnocentrism variables significantly influence Purchase Intention and on the analysis,3: Quality Perception variable has a significant effect on Consumer Purchase Intention
Keywords: ethnocentrism, perceived quality and purchase intention.
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