The Influence of Entrepreneurial Experience on General Entreprenerial Passion and Entrepreneurial Self Efficacy


  • Devani Laksmi Indyastuti


Many studies examine the relationship between entrepreneurial passion and entrepreneurial self-efficacy. But those studies have not been paid attention on the role of entrepreneurial experiences in that relationship. This study focuses on the relationship between entrepreneurial experience and entrepreneurial passion as well as entrepreneurial self-efficacy. These hypotheses propose that entrepreneurial experience positively influence general entrepreneurial passion and entrepreneurial self-efficacy. This study also proposes that entrepreneurial self-efficacy mediates the relationship between experience and entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Using 236 housewives in Banyumas for the sample, the results show that one of those hypotheses are supported. Entrepreneurial experience influences self-efficacy but not influence entrepreneurial passion. It implies that experience is an important key for increasing entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Entrepreneurial passion influences self-efficacy.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial experiences, general entrepreneurial passion, entrepreneurial self-efficacy.


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