Building Alumni Data Centre through Tracer Study Implementation (Case Study at FEB Unsoed)
This research is development research adapted from development research according to Borg and Gall which includes four stages of development, where the stages in the development carried out include preliminary studies, development, field testing, and dissemination. However, this research has only reached the development stage. The research objectives are to identify the needs of the Universitas Jenderal Soedirman’s Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB Unsoed) related to alumni data as well as identify and evaluate the implementation of data collection related to alumni that has been carried out by FEB Unsoed. By using interviews and observations, research data was collected. The results of data analysis show that the data needed from alumni are alumni profiles, profiles of institutions where alumni work, the process of getting a job, the suitability of alumni education with their work, and emphasis on learning methods. The research results also show that FEB Unsoed has carried out tracer studies regularly since 2020 using a single instrument. Study tracers are carried out by study program teams consisting of study program coordinators, surveyors, and data analysis teams. The database is centralised at the university, but courses can download the data and analyse it on their own.
Keywords: Alumni Data Centre, FEB Unsoed, Tracer Study.
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