The Role of Financial Knowledge and Fintech on the Financial Behavior


  • Rofi Puspitaningtias
  • Ekaningtyas Widiastuti
  • Sulistyandari Sulistyandari


This research is focused on Faculty of Economics and Business students at Jenderal Soedirman University. It analyzed the effectiveness of financial behavior through increasing financial knowledge and technology. The data collection method in this study was a questionnaire. The sampling technique was convenience sampling, and there were 104 respondents obtained. The data analysis tool was OLS (Ordinary Least Square). The results showed that demographic factors had no effect on financial behavior. On the other hand, financial knowledge and financial technology had positive effect on financial behavior. The results simultaneously showed that demographic factors, financial knowledge and financial technology affected financial behavior. Financial knowledge which obtained appropriately and supported by adequate financial technology will affect better financial behavior. Students will be able to act effectively and efficiently in managing and solving problems in financial-related decision making.


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