Analysis of Internal and External Factors as a Form of Strategy to Improve the Performance of UKM Gropak Banyumas


  • Dwita Aprillia Floresti


The purpose of this study is to analyze the internal and external factors felt by the Gropak Banyumas SMEs and find the best strategies that can be applied to improve the performance of the Gropak Banyumas SMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used to analyze these objectives is to use a quantitative descriptive approach. The main target of this research is the Banyumas gropak entrepreneur. The results of the research conducted that in Gropak SMEs, all aspects originating from external factors include aspects of government policy, socio-cultural and economic aspects, aspects of the role of related institutions and internal factors which include aspects of human resources, financial aspects, technical aspects of production and operations, market aspects. and marketing can have a considerable influence on improving sales performance, labor growth and marketing in SMEs. In the production process, most of which use a handmade process, so that the technical aspects of production and operation with the use of technology have little influence on the performance of SMEs.
Keywords: Banyumas Gropak, SME Performance, Covid-19


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