The Influence Of Core Self-Evaluation On Academic Performance Through Learning Goal Orientation As A Mediation Variable

Mardhika Ardi Pambudi, Dwita Darmawati, Devani Laksmi Indyastuti


This study sees that students who are undergoing studies will experience a period where students must learn better in achieving their goals, namely academic performance. This academic result can be seen from the GPA score. In this paper, we provide a core self-evaluation impact on academic performance. We also included a learning goal orientation variable for mediating examinations on the relationship between core self-evaluation and academic performance. The population in this study were 235 students of the University of Nahdlatul Ulama Purwokerto class of 2018, so the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The method of analysis used in this research is multiple regression. The results show that core self- evaluation does not positive effect on academic performance but rather negatively, while core self- evaluation has a positive effect on learning goal orientation, as well as learning goal orientation on academic performance. Learning goal orientation mediates the relationship between core self-evaluation and academic performance.
Keywords: core self-evaluation; goal orientation; learning goal orientation; academic performance

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