Optimization of Assets and Quality of Human Resources on The Performance of BUMDes in Banyumas District
The purpose of this study is to analyze how far the use of village assets and human resources affects the performance of BUMDes. The wealth of village assets and local potential in Banyumas Regency is currently being developed. Human resources are the main drivers and managers of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in Banyumas Regency. The current management of BUMDes is still constrained by various problems such as limited village assets and the low competence and skills of the village apparatus, which has the responsibility to optimally utilize village assets. The management of village assets by the village government must prioritize the economic aspect so that the optimal use of village assets and human resources can create a prosperous village economy. Competent and professional human resources are necessary in optimizing the management of village assets.
This research was conducted on BUMDes in Banyumas Regency. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique in order to obtain 132 respondents. The results of the study are that the optimal use of assets has a positive effect on the performance of BUMDes and the competence of human resources has a positive effect on the performance of BUMDes. The variables of optimal use of village assets and human resources are important factors in improving the performance of BUMDes in Banyumas Regency.
Keywords: village assets; human resources; optimal; performance; BUMDes
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