Antecedent of Webrooming Behavior
Webrooming is shopping behavior by viewing products online but the actual purchases are made in offline stores. Increased internet access makes it easier for consumers to find goods according to their needs. However, several factors can influence consumers in deciding webrooming behavior. Webrooming has been explored from the perspective of consumer motivation, such as information seeking. The research approach was adopted as a theoretical foundation, focusing on information processing and uncertainty reduction. Data obtained by 103 respondents, using multiple regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that the variables Need for Touch and Perceived Usefulness of Online Reviews have a positive and significant effect on webrooming behavior, while Online Purchase Risk Perceived has no effect on webrooming behavior. The findings of this study can be used by marketers to study consumer webrooming behavior so that they can formulate appropriate marketing strategies. The limitation of this study is that this study only has a coefficient of determination only 35.7% of the variables used to examine this webrooming behavior. So for future research, it can be investigated further by adding other variables that affect webrooming behavior, and can add a mediating or moderating role.
Keywords: Webrooming behavior; Need for Touch; Online Purchase Risk Perceived; Perceived Usefulness of Online Reviews
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