Obstacle Facing Women Entrepreneurs in Yemen


  • Nehal Al-Ariki
  • Siti Zulaikha
  • Devani Laksmi Indyastuti


Entrepreneurship stands as the catalyst for driving economic expansion, propelling the very mechanism that pushes the vehicle of economic progress. Its significance reverberates in its pivotal role in fostering job opportunities, generating revenue, mitigating poverty, and engendering wealth accumulation. In light of this, it has gained prominent recognition as a central tenet within economic development theories, constituting the most expansive business sector within economies. This phenomenon magnetizes individuals, encompassing both men and women, drawn by the allure of mutually beneficial cross-industry collaborations. Women's representation is notably pronounced among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) operators. Women entrepreneurs emerge as noteworthy contributors within this landscape, wielding considerable influence over national economies via their involvement in venture initiation and nurturing modest and moderate-scale enterprises. Nonetheless, women entrepreneurs encounter diverse obstacles, spanning their business's inception and progression phases. This study aims to scrutinize the impediments women entrepreneurs face in Yemen, encompassing challenges stemming from deficient educational and training opportunities, limited financial access, gender-based bias, unfavorable perceptions, and insufficient resources. Notably, this assertion holds particular weight when applied to women. Although specific gender disparities have shown signs of narrowing recently, substantial hurdles persist. Moreover, it is plausible that the crises confronted by Yemen in recent years have eroded some of the hard-won advancements in this domain. As Yemen charts its course forward, the nation must emphasize achieving gender parity as an intrinsic objective due to its pivotal role in establishing the bedrock of a more comprehensive and equitable society.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Woman entrepreneur, Women Entrepreneurship; Obstacles, Yemen


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