Analysis of Indonesian Shrimp Exports to The United States Trough ECM Approach


  • Rifki Khoirudin
  • Pramono Hari Adi
  • Suharno Suharno


This study aims to analyze the effect of Indonesian shrimp production, the population of the United States, the gross domestic product of the United States, working capital loan interest rates, US dollar exchange rates (Rp), and export shrimp prices on the volume of Indonesian shrimp exports to the United States for the period 1989-2021. This study uses time series for the period 1989-2021. The analysis used in the study was Error Correction Model with eviews nine software. The test results simultaneously showed a joint influence between production, US population, US GDP, working capital loan interest rates, US dollar exchange rates (Rp), and export shrimp prices on Indonesian shrimp exports. Partial results showed that the production of Indonesian shrimp and US GDP positively and significantly affected the volume of Indonesian shrimp exports to the United States in the short and long term. The population has had a negative and significant effect for a long time, but not by the hypothesis. In contrast, in the short term, the population has no significant impact on shrimp exports. Interest rates on working capital loans, the exchange rate of the US dollar against the rupiah, and the price of shrimp exports do not significantly affect the volume of Indonesian shrimp exports to the United States in the long and short term.

Keywords: Shrimp; exports; ECM.


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