Forecasting of Inflation Rates Based on Macroeconomics Factors Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Methods


  • Supriyanto Supriyanto
  • Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah
  • Arintoko Arintoko


Inflation stability becomes very important because it relates to the economic growth that will have an impact on improving the welfare of society. Therefore, controlling inflation will prevent a high and an unstable inflation that gives negative impact on the economic conditions. This study aims to develop appropriate models for inflation forecasting. The approaches used is ANFIS. Based on the results obtained, using the data of general inflation and inflationary spending seven groups period 2010-2022, showed that the ANFIS model that has been obtained shows that by using two membership functions, to model general inflation, it is generated by the transfer function model with the input money supply, one month before Eid Al-Fitr, the month when there is Eid al-Fitr, and the increase in fuel prices as influential variables.

Keywords: ANFIS; inflation; forecasting; macroeconomic.


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