Exploring The Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Currency for Regional Tourism Development in Indonesia
The development of digital currencies provides convenience in accessing various services including regional tourism development. Blockchain technology also allows for innovation in payment systems. Concepts such as "smart contracts" to optimize processes such as booking and paying for accommodation, reducing bureaucracy. This research was conducted to respond to the opportunities and challenges of digital currency in developing regional tourism in Indonesia. The sample in this study was determined by purposive sampling so that ten respondents were obtained from tourism economics lecturers, research experts, tourism economists, tourism practitioners, and tourism businesses. This research uses the SWOT analysis method by identifying strategic factors for regional tourism development by utilizing digital currency. The results showed that an aggressive strategy was chosen in the development of regional tourism by utilizing the development of digital currency in Indonesia. Digital currency can answer the opportunities and challenges of regional tourism in Indonesia to be more developed and sustainable. Digital currency can be a gateway to regional tourism leading to international tourism that is not only in demand by local tourists but foreign tourists. The presence of digital currency is not only limited to the digitization of the tourist payment system but also tourist information, digital currency rates and others. information, digital currency rates and others
Keywords: Aggressive Strategy, Digital Currency, Ecotourism, Local Tourisms, SWOTReferences
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