The Influence Of Servant Leadership On Organizational Commitment Mediated By Job Satisfaction


  • Qotrun Nada
  • Achmad Sudjadi
  • Dwita Darmawati


 In the midst of increasingly dynamic and complex business developments, leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping an effective and productive organizational culture. One of the leadership approaches is servant leadership, which emphasizes the principles of service and concern for the well-being of subordinates as the fundamental foundation for carrying out leadership tasks. In a workplace environment that is growing more complex and diverse, it is crucial to comprehend how leadership paradigms like servant leadership can influence key factors within organizations, such as organizational commitment and job satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the influence of servant leadership on organizational commitment mediated by job satisfaction. This research falls under the category of quantitative research with an explanatory research design employing a cause-and-effect (causal step) approach. The analysis method employed is mediation regression analysis, processing questionnaire data using SPSS software.

Keywords: Servant Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment.


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