Internalization of Local Wisdom Values in Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education
The purpose of this study is to describe; 1) The values of local wisdom in entrepreneurship education, 2) The role of lecturers in applying local wisdom values in learning, 3) Supporting factors for internalization of local wisdom in learning, 4) Inhibiting factors in internalizing local wisdom in learning. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative research. Data was collected through: observation, interviews and document tracing, the subjects in this study were lecturers who taught entrepreneurship courses. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation, conclusion and verification. The results showed:
1) The values of local wisdom in entrepreneurship education include 5K (diversity, distinctiveness, uniqueness, independence and welfare), 2) The role of lecturers as facilitators and motivators implementing 5K wisdom in entrepreneurial projects, 3) supporting factors for the internalization of local wisdom are indicators of 5K local wisdom, and the support of infrastructure facilities in universities, 4) inhibiting factors for the internalization of local wisdom in education Entrepreneurship is the entrepreneurial interest of students who are still low in completing entrepreneurial projects.
Keywords: college, entrepreneurship, and local wisdom
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