The Development of Research on Digital Currency in Indonesia: A Bibliometric Analysis
Research on the development of digital currency research in Indonesia from 2013 to 2023 continues to be conducted. Various topics emerge from a social phenomenon in society. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the number of developments in publications, literacy, and national and international scientific references related to the development of digital currency in Indonesia and the development map of national and international publications on digital currency in Indonesia. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with secondary data sourced from articles, books or documents, as reference materials, which can be updated. Data used is sourced from Google Scholar and Scopus, with restrictions from 2013-2023. This research uses analytical tools such as Publish or Perish and Vos Viewer to map the development of research on digital currency in Indonesia. The results showed that there were at least more than 800 research documents on the topic. Among them are dominated by articles and other source documents. From year to year, publications or documents have always increased but in the last few decades the topic has begun to be less discussed by researchers. In every source of reading about digital currency, we will find several related topics such as cryptocurrency, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), blockchain, economy, bitcoin, financial technology, to digital assets. In Indonesia itself, research on the development of digital currency focuses more on topics or discussions such as digital currency, cryptocurrency, transactions, effects, and areas of digital currency development.
Keywords: Bibliometric, CBDC, Cryptocurrency, Digital Currency, Vos Viewer.References
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