The Effect of Green Accounting and Carbon Emission Disclosure on Firm Value (Case Study on Consumer Non Cyclicals Company Listing Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019 - 2022)


  • Elsa Norma Sari
  • Bambang Setyabudi Irianto
  • Rini Widianingsih
  • Ascaryan Rafinda


This study aims to analyze the effect of green accounting and carbon emission disclosure on firm value. The sampling method in this study used purposive sampling. The sample used was 13 consumer noncyclicals companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data used in this study was sourced from the annual report and sustainability report of each company obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the website of each company as well as PROPER issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The hypothesis of this study was tested using multiple regression analysis. The results of this study show that green accounting has a positive effect on firm value while carbon emission disclosure has a negative effect on firm value.

Keywords: Annual Report; Carbon Emission Disclosure; Consumer Non Cyclicals; Firm Value; Green    Accounting.


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