The Mediating Role Of Self Branding Connections On The Influence Of Consumer Brand Engangement On Customer Decision To Donate On Kitabisa.Com


  • Alisa Tri Nawarini
  • Dinda Fatmawati


This study takes the title "The Mediating Role Of Self Branding Connections On The Influence Of Consumer Brand Engangement On Customer Decision To Donate On Kitabisa.Com". This study aims to determine how much Consumer Brand Engagement is on Decision to Donate with Self Branding Connection as mediation. The population in this study were 200 respondents who had donated online at Based on the results of research and data analysis using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) - SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science) shows that (1) Consumer Brand Engagement has a positive effect on the Decision to Donate, (2) Self Branding Connection has a positive effect on the Decision to Donate, (3) Consumer Brand Engagement has a positive effect on Self Branding Connection, (4) Self Branding Connection is able to mediate between Consumer Brand Engagement and Decision to Donate. The implication of the results of this study is that must actively approach potential donors and build a positive image by responding quickly to questions from potential donors on the digital platform to improve one's decision to donate.


