Analysis of the Effect of WFA (Work From Anywhere) on Work Stress and Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Lecturer Performance


  • Andrew Satria Lubis
  • Muhammad Arif Lubis
  • Monica Rosiana


COVID-19 will change everything at work by 2020. Many people in Indonesia respond to this situation in different ways; some feel depressed, while others quickly adapt to technology. In the world of education, the outbreak of Covid-19 was initially bad, but now it has been exploited for good. The teaching and learning activities of the whole Tridharma can be carried out more efficiently and can be done anywhere and anytime. The aim of this study is to know the impact of work from anywhere on work stress and job satisfaction as well as its impact on the performance of the lecturer is Tridharma's obligations. And also see if the lecturers are ready if work from anywhere returns. This research belongs to the type of quantitative research, with partial analysis method Least Square. Sampling techniques in this study are purposive sampling. The research was conducted on a lecturer at the University of North Sumatra of 100 lecturers. The results of this study show that work from anywhere has a positive and significant impact on lecturer satisfaction, which has a negative impact on the performance of the lecturer. Directly work from anywhere has a positive and significant impact on performance and its influence is more dominant than the mediation of variables of job satisfaction and work stress. Tridharma's performance will increase as the lecturer's adaptation to the concept of working from anywhere improves. 

Keywords: Work From Anywhere, Lecturer Performance, Job Satisfaction, Work Stress


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