The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Extra-Role Performance Mediated by Intrinsic Motivation and Moderated by Employee Mindfulness
This study aims to examine the effect of transformational leadership on extra-role performance which is indirectly influenced by employee intrinsic motivation and strengthened by mindfulness. The characteristics of transformational leaders are motivating and inspiring will lead employees can build intrinsic motivation to support extra-role performance. Mindfulness is a popular topic that is proven to have a positive effect on individuals and organizations. By being attentive, aware, and present on occurs, mindfulness provides employees intrinsic motivation that lies within the person to support the relationship of transformational leadership on extra-role performance. This paper's approach uses an online survey to collect data on employees working in the different sectors in Indonesia and the methodology uses simple and multiple linear regression analysis processing with SPSS application. The result and analysis will be discussed in this paper.
Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Extra-Role Performance, Intrinsic Motivation, Mindfulness
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