Exploring the Role of Human Resources in Realizing Excellent Services in the Sub-District (Case Study in Eks Kotip Sub-District, Purwokerto)
This research is conducted based on the phenomenon of the performance of village government officials who are increasingly demanded to provide excellent services. Therefore, it is essential to have an adequate role of human resources (HR) to achieve excellent service. The purpose of this research is to explore the role of human resources (HR) in achieving excellent services in the Eks Kotip Purwokerto Subdistrict. Research data were collected through interview techniques, observations, and documentary studies, with qualitative data analysis. The research results indicate that, in general, human resources (HR) in the Eks Kotip Purwokerto Subdistrict have good service capabilities, with several aspects receiving positive ratings from the community. However, there are also some service elements that require improvement, such as facilities and infrastructure, complaint handling, feedback, and service specifications. In conclusion, this research highlights the key role of HR in achieving excellent service, emphasizing the need for a committed, well-trained, and community-oriented workforce. Recommendations have been provided to improve service quality, including improving communication about service procedures and emphasizing the importance of discipline in the behavior of HR. These improvement efforts aim to ensure that the principles of efficiency and timeliness remain a top priority in the provision of excellent services in the Eks Kotip Purwokerto Subdistrict. Keywords : human resources, excellent services, sub-districtReferences
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