The Role Of Religiosity And Spirituality On The Intention To Stay In Employees (Case Study At The Al-Irsyad Social Foundation Cilacap)

Ilham Fahruly, Achmad Sudjadi, Rio Dhani Laksana


Competition between organization is getting tighter along with the development of organization in the era of globalization. To achieve a success, organization must be able to empower their employees. Without employees, an organization cannot obtain income, prosperity and even its purposes. It is important for organization to be able to retain their employees and understand employees’ necessaries in order to achieve job satisfaction not only limited to career paths or high salaries but also related to religion and spirituality. This can increase the meaning of work for employees. This research was conducted at the Al-Irsyad Cilacap Social Foundation using a qualitative case study methodology. The main aim of this research is to determine the events that occurred at the Al-Irsyad Cilacap Social Foundation, specifically analyzing how the role of religiosity and spirituality influences the group's intention to stay. It is important for organization to be able to manage employees' religious and spiritual needs in order to increase job satisfaction and foster the meaning of work for them so that their intention to stay can increase. This is the key to the success of the Al-Irsyad Cilacap Social Foundation in retaining its employees. Keywords: Religiosity, Spirituality, Intention To Stay.

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