Human Resources Development Strategy at PT Wadah Pengembangan Tenaga Kerja (TALENASIA)

Dena Salsabila Putri, Ratno Purnomo, Ary Yunanto


This research aims to describe and explain the human resources development strategy at PT Wadah Pengembangan Tenaga Kerja (Talenesia). This research uses descriptive and qualitative methods. This method is used to obtain data through in-depth interviews and documentation to fulfill the purpose of this research. The research that has been conducted has found several findings, namely that employee recruitment and employee development at Talenesia have been carried out in accordance with the concepts of planning, implementation, and evaluation. HR development is related to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, especially in the aspects of social needs and self-actualization needs. Then, for work culture, Talenesia adheres to sustainable development and employee comfort. Talenesia also embraces the value of empathy towards its employees and gives appreciation regardless of the extent of employee performance in order to maintain motivation and enthusiasm to continue to grow. This work culture is actually considered to have been able to maximize the HR development strategy in Talenesia because good HR development requires a positive work culture and a conducive work environment. Keywords: employee recruitment, HR development strategy, work culture

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