Human Resource Development Strategy in order to improve the performance of Banjarnegara District Court employees


  • Adhi Anggri Heru Soewarno
  • Dwita Darmawati
  • Rio Dhani Laksana


This research analyzes the internal and external environment at the Banjarnegara Class IB District Court that affects organizational performance and how strategies are formulated for human resource development based on the results of the environmental analysis that has been carried out. The approach in this research is qualitative with data collection methods through interviews and documentation. The data analysis used is SWOT analysis. The results showed that the Banjarnegara Class IB District Court has conducted an environmental analysis which is then used as the basis for preparing human resource development strategies. The strategies taken are increasing competence through training, structuring the organizational structure, optimizing human resources, and existing infrastructure, increasing cooperation with stakeholders and utilizing the development of information technology. This strategy has successfully supported the realization of good performance achievement in the Banjarnegara Class IB District Court. After knowing the strengths (strengths), weaknesses (weakneses), opportunities (opportunities) and threats (threats) of the Banjarnegara Class IB District Court, a growth strategy is obtained so that strategies that can be taken include 1) structuring the organizational structure with clarity on the performance objectives of each employee 2) increasing competence through training. 3) Implementation of organizational culture such as good service and strong knowledge sharing. Diversification Strategy (WO), 1) improving existing infrastructure facilities. 2) Good relationships between employees can provide employee motivation. 3. Differentiation Strategy (ST), increased cooperation with stakeholders 4. Defensive Strategy (WT), Improve the quality of human resources and the utilization of information technology developments. Keywords: human resource development, SWOT, performance.


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