Managing Interpersonal Conflict through Emotional Intelligence: Conservation of Resource Theory


  • Tri Oktianti Indrawiani
  • Suliyanto Suliyanto
  • AdiManaging Interpersonal Conflict throu Indrayanto


There is relatively little research on interpersonal conflict among traditional performing arts workers. Working in this industry has the potential for conflict and is a challenge to collaborate in producing a work. The resource conservation perspective carries the assumption that interpersonal conflict encourages counterproductive behaviour for individuals. This research is a preliminary study and aims to examine the effect of interpersonal conflict on counterproductive behaviour using emotional intelligence as a moderating variable. This research has theoretical implications in explaining the involvement of emotional intelligence as one of the crucial aspects in reducing counterproductive behaviour. This research also has practical implications, especially in designing strategies to retain highly talented art workers. Keywords: Counterproductive Work Behavior; Conservation of Resource Theory; Emotional Intelligence; Interpersonal Conflict; Performing Art


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