The Influence of Authentic Leadership on Job Satisfaction Mediated by Emotional Exhaustion
This research explores the relationship between authentic leadership, emotional exhaustion, and job satisfaction in the context of leadership by village heads. The results showed that authentic leadership had a positive impact on job satisfaction, along with previous research findings. Leaders who apply authentic leadership wisely tend to create a supportive work environment to thrive, which in turn increases job satisfaction. In addition, authentic leadership also has a negative impact on emotional exhaustion, helping to reduce levels of emotional exhaustion through increased job satisfaction. Emotional exhaustion, which is often associated with job dissatisfaction, also has a negative influence on job satisfaction. In addition, the study found that emotional exhaustion mediates the relationship between authentic leadership and job satisfaction, highlighting the important role emotional exhaustion plays in this process. The results of this study provide important insights for leaders to behave in creating a productive work environment through authentic leadership. Keywords: Authentic Leadership, Emotional Exhaustion, Job Satisfaction.References
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