Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) Index Disclosure in Public Telecommunication Company (Case Study: PT. XL Axiata Tbk)

Nurbaiti Budi Dharma, Siti Aisyah, Anastasya Br Ginting, Diana Diana


The concept of CSR does not only develop in the conventional economy but also exists in the development of the Islamic economy which encourages the birth of corporate social responsibility in accordance with Islamic norms and sharia or can be called Islamic Social Reporting (ISR). So ISR is a form of corporate social responsibility to build a better economy in improving the quality of social and environmental life. ISR was born and developed on the basis of AAOFI (Auditing Organization Islamic Reporting Institute). The aim of this research is to find out how the quality of corporate social reporting PT. XL Axiata Tbk listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) using the ISR index. The method that the author uses in this study is qualitative with descriptive analysis, in which the researcher describes and describes the results of the index scores based on the ISR items. research shows that ISR disclosure at PT XL Axiata Tbk from 2017- 2021 is based on six criteria, namely: Investment funding with a total score of 15, Products and services with a total score of 15, Employees with a total score of 23, Community with a total score of 52, Environment with a total score of 27 and corporate governance with a total score of 10. Keywords: Financial reports, ISR, Six Criteria on ISR.

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