Evaluation of the Implementation of the Electronic Medical Record Information (RME) System based on User Perceptions Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) approach


  • Heru Purnawan Jati Wibowo
  • Suliyanto Suliyanto
  • Eman Sutrisna


One of the rapid developments in information technology is the development of information technology. The development of information technology in the field of health services is no exception, including the development of the Electronic Medical Record (RME) system, namely computer-based medical records. Electronic medical records as a manifestation of the transformation of the national health system in the field of technology are still considered a challenge. Based on Minister of Health Regulation no. 24 of 2022, it is stated that every health service facility in Indonesia is required to maintain electronic medical records. Many hospitals have started to build and implement it, but until now there are still many obstacles in implementation. This study aims to evaluate user acceptance of the implementation of electronic medical records using the TAM approach in hospitals. This research uses quantitative methods with data collection techniques from the results of questionnaires and FGD (discussion group forums). Questionnaires are taken from the population of RME users related to services in hospitals, namely registration officers, medical records officers, general practitioners, specialist doctors, radiology officers, Laboratory and nurses. The questionnaires distributed were based on the TAM method approach, namely perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, interest of actors and actual use. Meanwhile, the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) obtained results from evaluations of meeting results conducted by the DTO of each service unit that had direct access to RME. hospital. Keywords: Electronic Medical Records, Medical Records, TAM, Hospital, FGD


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