Evaluation of Drug Management Indicators in a Pharmacy Installation of Private Hospital Banyumas Regency
Drug management in hospitals is one of the important aspects of hospital management, especially at the planning and procurement stages. Inefficiency in this process can negatively impact on the hospital, both medically and economically. This research aims to determine the description of the planning and procurement stages of medicines at a private hospital in Banyumas district. Evaluation is carried out by measuring indicator values against applicable standards.The research uses non-experimental observational methods with a descriptive design. The data collected is in the form of data on drug planning and procurement, drug use, drug stock, stock taking reports. The results showed that the success rate of treatment planning was 107.50%, the frequency of purchasing drugs in the low, medium and high categories was 38.58%, 35.03% and 26.4% respectively, while the percentage of expired drugs and the percentage of stock dead were 1.25% and 2.16% respectively. Keywords:Evaluation, drug management, drug procurement, hospital pharmacy installation.References
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