Descriptive Analysis of Puskesma Management Information System (SIMPUS) in the Outpatient Department of Puskesmas Kaliwiro with HOT-FIT MEthod
Community health center management information systems are really needed by community health facilities to maintain service quality, protect patient safety and support fast and correct decision making. The implementation of the community health center management information system at the Kaliwiro Community Health Center has not been going well so far, so the information system used is still dual, namely manual and electronic systems. The health center information system that has been implemented requires evaluation, improvement and improvement to adapt it to current developments. The HOT Fit model is a complete model and best suits the problem conditions in this research. The main focus of research is directed at the relationship between human aspects, organizational aspects, technological aspects, and the benefits produced by the system. The general aim of this research is to test the HOT Fit model in the community health center management information system at the Kaliwiro Community Health Center. This type of research is analytical research with a quantitative approach. The total number of research respondents was 24 people. The data collection method used in this research was interviews with instruments in the form of questionnaires. Hypothesis testing is carried out by conducting regression tests using Descriptive Analysis. The results of this research show that all the hypothesis paths in the HOT Fit model framework that were tested have an influence on each other, except for organizational variables which have no influence on the benefit variable. The total number of research respondents was 24 people. The data collection method used in this research was interviews with instruments in the form of questionnaires. Hypothesis testing is carried out by conducting regression tests using Descriptive Analysis. The results of this research show that all the hypothesis paths in the HOT Fit model framework that were tested have an influence on each other, except for organizational variables which have no influence on the benefit variable. The total number of research respondents was 24 people. The data collection method used in this research was interviews with instruments in the form of questionnaires. Hypothesis testing is carried out by conducting regression tests using Descriptive Analysis. The results of this research show that all thehypothesis paths in the HOT Fit model framework that were tested have an influence on each other, except for organizational variables which have no influence on the benefit variable. Keywords:HOT Fit Model, Information System, Community Health CenterReferences
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