Entrepreneurial Skills in Z-Generation: A Review of Technopreneurship Learning Ethnopedagogical-Based Approach
Entrepreneurial skills are all the skills needed by an entrepreneur in business. The low participation of the younger generation in entrepreneurial activities makes Indonesia need to improve the quality of its entrepreneurship learning, especially technology-based entrepreneurship (technopreneurship). Therefore, an effective technopreneurship learning approach is needed, by adopting ethnopedagogy in its learning. This study aims to determine the results of a literature review regarding entrepreneurship learning that utilizes technology based on an ethnopedagogical approach in improving generation Z entrepreneurial skills. This research uses a literature review approach by analyzing empirical studies from various sources, including: scientific articles, books, and other national and international publications relevant to the topic of entrepreneurial skills and technopreneurship learning based on ethnopedagogic approach from 2013 to 2023. The findings showed that the role of technopreneurship learning with an ethnopedagogic approach to improve entrepreneurial skills in generation z is a topic that is still hot to study. In addition, tecnopreneurship learning with an ethnopedagogical approach to improve entrepreneurial skills in generation Z is better known and noticed by researchers from abroad than in Indonesia. Keywords: Entrepreneurial Skills; Technopreneurship; Ethnopedagogic; Z Generation.References
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