The Influence of Job Demand on Work-Family Conflict Moderated by Co-worker Support


  • Dwi Kusumastuti
  • Dwita Darmawati
  • Ade Irma Anggraeni


This study aimed to investigate the unique effects of demands and support, focusing on the interaction between job demands and co-worker support in the context of work-family conflict. Professionals often believe that balancing work and family roles only leads to issues such as time pressure, work-family conflict, guilt, and more. This research specifically focused on the influence of job demands on work-family conflict while considering the moderating role of co-worker support. The research used a quantitative approach and employed purposive sampling for data collection through questionnaire surveys. The collected data were then analyzed using the statistical method Smart PLS. The practical implications of this study are expected to assist organizations in identifying the factors causing work-family conflict among employees. The research results indicate that job demands have an impact on work-family conflict, and coworker support does not moderate the relationship between job demands and work-family conflict. Keywords: work family conflict; job demand; co-worker support.


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