Digitalization Strategies in ASEAN MSMEs Harnessing AI for Competitive Advantage in the Global Value Chain: A Model Conceptual
The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) and digitalization in ASEAN MSMEs has garnered significant attention in optimizing their contributions to the global value chain. This study aims to develop a conceptual model that analyzes digitalization strategies in ASEAN MSMEs, harnessing AI to attain competitive advantage within the global value chain. This model integrates concepts from business strategy theory, information technology, and global economics. The primary contribution of this research lies in conceptualizing a comprehensive view of how ASEAN MSMEs can embrace AI as a primary driver in formulating effective digital strategies, thus enabling them to compete in an increasingly interconnected and competitive global marketplace. Keywords: Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence, ASEAN MSMEs, Global Value Chain, Business Strategy, Competitive Advantage, Information Technology, Global Economics.References
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