Quiet Quitting Phenomenon among Gen Z: The Influence of Toxic Workplace Environment on Quiet Quitting Moderated by Organizational Commitment


  • Berlian Budi Alimmah
  • Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah
  • Siti Zulaikha Wulandari


This research aims to investigate the influence of a toxic work environment and its impact on the quiet quitting phenomenon among Generation Z. The quiet quitting phenomenon refers to employee dissatisfaction that is not expressed openly, but leads to a decrease in engagement with work and the organization. This research focuses on the influence of a toxic work environment on the occurrence of quiet quitting by considering the moderating role of organizational commitment. This research method used a quantitative approach. Sampling used purposive sampling technique. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire survey. The data was then analyzed using the Smart PLS statistical method. The practical implications of this research are expected to help organizations identify factors that influence employee engagement and design strategies to prevent quiet quitting in the work environment. The research results show that there is an influence of the toxic workplace environment on quiet quitting, organizational commitment has a good effect on quiet quitting and organizational commitment does not moderate the relationship between the toxic workplace environment and quiet quitting.

Keywords: Quiet Quitting, Toxic Workplace Environment, Gen Z, Organizational Commitment


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