The Influence of Financial Literacy and Lifestyle on Financial Management Behavior Mediated by Financial Technology


  • Nuriha Eriani
  • Sri Lestari
  • Intan Shaferi


Financial management behavior is an important aspect in daily life, especially for generation Z. Good and appropriate financial management can be an opportunity to achieve a prosperous life in the future. Financial literacy can be a provision for every individual to manage their finances. Someone who has good financial literacy can understand how to manage their finances wisely. This research aims to find empirical evidence regarding the relationship between financial literacy and lifestyle on financial management behavior by adding financial technology as a mediating variable. The research method used is a quantitative approach. The subjects of this research are Generation Z. Sampling used the convenience sampling method. Data collection used a questionnaire with a 5 level measurement scale. It is hoped that the findings resulting from this research will be useful for Generation Z and become a reference in personal financial management.


Keywords: Financial Literacy, Lifestyle, Financial Technology, Financial management Behavior


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