Influence of Technology Acceptance of Office Technology Information Systems in The Banyumas Regency Regional Government
The performance of government agencies is influenced by the use of information technology. Organizations have responded positively to the development of information technology by designing information systems based on computer technology or websites. Information technology supports information systems in providing added value to organizations if they are designed to be effective information systems. Currently, information technology has been widely used, the application of which has been adjusted to suit needs. The problem in this research is to determine the acceptance of information systems in government in Banyumas district. The results of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) statistical test are that the system quality variable has a positive influence on convenience with a critical ratio of 6.175. The resulting critical ratio value is 7.033. The critical ratio significance level is above 1.96 for 5% significance, with a critical ratio of 7.026. The results of the path coefficient (standardized regression weight estimate) with a critical ratio of 6.053. The convenience variable has a positive influence on the behavioral variable with a critical ratio of 5.373. The behavioral variable is positively related to the intention variable with a critical ratio of 5.882. The usefulness variable is positively related to the intention variable with a critical ratio of 4.83. The usefulness variable is positively related to the intention variable with a critical ratio of 4.831. The intention variable is positively related to the use variable with a critical ratio of 6.017.
Key word : Technology Acceptance Model