Analysis Of Village Archives Management And The Effectiveness Of Organizational Work in Building Good Governance
Archive management plays a significant role in supporting public administration at both the central and regional levels, especially in meeting the needs of the community. Good archive management contributes to increasing the effectiveness of organizational work and supports the principles of good governance. However, in Jatilawang District Village, archive management has not been running optimally, so that the quality of public services is still below community expectations. This study aims to analyze the implementation of archive management and the obstacles faced, and how this affects the effectiveness of organizational work. In the long term, this study is expected to contribute to the development of administrative management science, especially in orderly archive management as support for village development with good governance. This study uses a mixed method through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The results show that although archive management in Jatilawang District villages has been running from recording to destruction, it is still not in accordance with applicable regulations due to several obstacles, which affect the effectiveness of the organization in public services.
Keywords: Archives management, effectiveness of organizational work, good governance