Analysis of Leadership Style in Improving Operational Effectiveness XYZ Hospital: Delphi's Approach
Leadership plays a key role in managing hospital operations, which involves a variety of cross-departmental activities such as human resource management, medical logistics management, and financial management. XYZ Hospital is currently facing challenges in terms of high employee turnover and uncertainty in medical staff's schedules, as well as medical logistics issues that interfere with smooth operations and quality of patient care. The study aims to identify the most effective leadership styles in supporting hospital operational efficiency, using Delphi's methods to reach consensus among experts. The Delphi method, which allows for the anonymous and gradual collection of opinions, is used to assess the importance of implementing four leadership styles: directive, delegative, participatory, and coaching. The results show that participatory leadership and coaching styles are considered the most effective in improving operational efficiency, especially in human resource management and medical logistics. These findings provide recommendations for hospital management to choose flexible leadership styles according to the operational challenges faced, as well as contribute to the hospital management literature in the Indonesian context.
Keywords: Leadership; Hospital Operations; Delphi Method; Human Resource Management; Logistics