Empowering export competitiveness: The role of coaching clinics in Banyumas MSMEs


  • Kiky Srirejeki
  • Ulil Afwa
  • Renny Miryanti


This study investigates the effect of an Export Coaching Clinic program on empowering Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia, to enter international markets, particularly Japan. MSMEs play a critical role in the region's economy, yet many struggle to compete globally due to limited knowledge of export procedures, regulatory requirements, and market entry strategies. Japan, with its high demand for quality products, presents significant opportunities, but also challenges due to strict regulations and cultural nuances. The research employs an exploratory approach, gathering qualitative data through semi-structured interviews and quantitative data via pre- and post-test assessments. The coaching clinic program included two interactive workshops led by experts, focusing on export documentation, Free Trade Agreement (FTA) policies, customs duty determination, product quality management, and Japanese market specifics. Additionally, one-on-one consultations provided tailored advice to the participating entrepreneurs. The results reveal substantial improvements in participants' knowledge. Moreover, the participants demonstrated a stronger grasp of export procedures, product quality standards, and compliance with Japanese regulations. Overall, the study concludes that coaching clinic is a valuable intervention for addressing knowledge gaps, improving export readiness, and enhancing the long-term competitiveness of MSMEs in international markets.

Keywords: MSMEs, export coaching clinic, export readiness, market entry strategies, international trade.


