The Influence of Internal and External Factors on the Entrepreneurial Intent of Students at Manbaul Husna Islamic Boarding School in Purwokerto


  • Rafi Ilmi Badri Utama
  • Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah


The role of entrepreneurship is crucial in the economic growth of a country. The Prophet Muhammad SAW was an adept and prosperous trader. In Indonesia, the spirit of entrepreneurship is increasingly encouraged, even among the younger generation, such as students in Islamic boarding schools (pondok pesantren). In the Manbaul Husna boarding school in Purwokerto, the combination of religious values and general knowledge makes entrepreneurship education highly promising. This study uses survey data from Pondok Pesantren Manbaul Husna, which consists of 30 students who have previously participated in Pondok's work activities. To collect data, this study used a questionnaire that was created using a Google Form. Data collection is done using the Likert 5 point scale during a period of time that is approximately one full day. The equation showed that if the variables of Entrepreneurial Awareness, Environment, Experience, and Spiritual Leadership remained unchanged, the influence of Islamic boarding school students' interest in entrepreneurship would increase by 6,710 units. The t-test was used to determine the extent to which the dependent variable can be explained by the influence of a single independent variable. The results showed no significant relationship between entrepreneurial interest and the leadership or entrepeunership awareness variables.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship; spiritual leadership; Islamic Boarding School


