The Role of Human Capital and Financial Technology in Improving MSME Performance in Banyumas Regency


  • Chandra Suparno
  • Sulistyandari Sulistyandari
  • Weni Novandari
  • Ekaningtyas Widiastuti


The existence of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) plays an important role in contributing to the economic growth of a country. MSMEs must optimize their resources, especially non-physical resources, and utilize existing financial technology (Fintech) to continue to compete and grow at all times. This study aims to test the role of human capital and financial technology on MSME performance. The method used is multiple regression analysis. The sample was measured using convenience sampling techniques totaling 45 respondents. The results of the study indicate that human capital does not affect MSME performance. In contrast, financial technology has a positive effect on MSME performance. The implication of this study is that human capital and financial technology that are utilized optimally can maintain the stability of competitive performance and excel in achieving company goals.

Keywords: Human capital, financial technology, MSME performance


