The Effect Of Halal Certification On Purchase Intention And Attitude As Mediation In Banyumas Regency (Frozen Food)


  • Prasetya Risa Kartika
  • Refius Pradipta Setyanto


Study This aiming For know connection between halal certificate and attitude towards halal as variable mediation that influences intention buy in Regency Banyumas . Research This carried out in the Regency Banyumas, Central Java, with involving  Respondents 120 respondents consumer product eating . Data collected through questionnaire and interview with use scale linkert 1 -5 for measure perception respondents . Data analysis was carried out with use Structural Equation Model Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) method for test connection between variables . Research This find that halal certification has influence positive to intention buy , and attitude towards halal plays a role as variable significant mediation . Research results This expected can give contribution to understanding about factors that influence intention buy halal products and provide recommendation for stakeholders​ interest For increase halal awareness and certification in society .

Keywords: Halal Certification, Attitude toward halal, Purchase intention


