Qualitative Study on the Leadership of Umar ibn al-Khattab: Lessons for Contemporary Leaders
Umar bin Khattab, in addition to being the head of government, also played a role as a faqih. His role in legal views made him very influential in his time until now. During the time of the Khulafaur Rasyidin, Islamic law could also not be applied in its entirety, because at that time the companions were faced with various realities of life and social conditions that were different from what happened during the time of the apostle, so they were required to carry out ijtihad and deliberation. The aim of this research is to find out qualitatively what Umar ibn al-Khattab's leadership system and patterns are. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Umar's leadership was able to bring Islam into a golden age. Many efforts have been achieved under his leadership which should serve as an example and guide for the lives of Muslims. Simplicity, prioritizing the interests of the people, full attention to what people who live in poverty face and experience. His example has become an inspiration that has become an example to be emulated by future leaders. Umar's government has inherited the development of Islam to this day, in the fields of law, politics, government, and sociology.
Keywords: contemporary, leadership, moslem