The Impact of Brand Image, Perceived Quality, and Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on Generation Z's Purchase Decision in Choosing Barbershop Services: A Case Study of Gunting Ajaib Barbershop, Yogyakarta


  • Irwan Wicaksono
  • Larisa Pradisti


This study aims to analyze the influence of brand image, perceived price, perceived quality, fear of missing out (FOMO), and brand overload on Generation Z's purchasing decisions when selecting barbershop services in Yogyakarta. The background of this research is based on the rapid growth of the barbershop industry as part of a lifestyle, especially for Generation Z who are highly connected to social media and tend to be influenced by digital trends. Factors such as brand image, perceived price, and perceived quality play a significant role in shaping purchasing decisions, while the phenomena of FOMO and brand overload also influence their behavior in choosing services. Generation Z is often confronted with an excessive flow of information, both from social media and promotions, which can lead to confusion in making decisions. This study employs a quantitative approach with a survey method involving Generation Z students in Yogyakarta as respondents. Data is analyzed using multiple linear regression to test the influence of each variable on purchasing decisions. The results of this study are expected to contribute to barbershop owners in designing more effective marketing strategies, as well as for academics interested in studying consumer behavior in the digital era.

Key Words: brand image, perceived quality, FOMO, purchase decision, Generation  Z, barbershop


