The Influence of Relational Behavior and Relational Communication on Supplier Performance with Collaborative Communication Quality as a Mediating Variable on Brown Sugar Farmers in the Supply Chain


  • Eka Putri Hana
  • Daryono Daryono


In Indonesia, the brown sugar industry plays a significant role in the rural economy, with thousands of farmers involved in its production and supply chain. However, challenges in communication and relationships between suppliers and buyers often hinder optimal performance of farmers. This is evident in Cipaku Village, Purbalingga Regency, where the decline in the quality of brown sugar products has become a significant problem, mainly due to the lack of effective communication regarding standards and expectations between suppliers and buyers. This study aims to analyze the effect of relational behavior and relational communication on supplier performance, with the quality of collaborative communication as a mediating variable on brown sugar farmers in the supply chain. This study uses a quantitative method with a Simple Random Sampling (SRS) approach, involving 36 brown sugar farmer respondents in Cipaku Village, Purbalingga Regency. Data were collected through a questionnaire designed to measure the research variables. This study not only aims to answer the problems that occur in the field, especially in Cipaku Village, but also to contribute to the literature and new insights in agricultural supply chain management. The findings and implications of this study will be discussed in more depth in this article.

Keywords: Relationnal Behavior; Relational Communication; Supplier Performance; Quality Collaborative Communication; Brown Sugar Farmers; Supply Chain Management


