The Influence of Digitalization on Export Performance: The Mediation Role of Market Adaptation Speed in the Wig Industry in Purbalingga
This study examines the impact of digitalization on export performance, focusing on the mediating role of market adaptation speed in the wig industry in Purbalingga, Indonesia. In the era of Industry 4.0, digitalization has become an important factor in changing the global business landscape, significantly affecting the export sector. This study aims to fill the gap in understanding the underlying mechanism of the relationship between digitalization and export performance, especially in labor-intensive industries in developing countries. Using a quantitative approach and data from 50 respondents from several industries engaged in wig exports. This study found that digitalization has a positive effect on the speed of market adaptation and export performance. In addition, the speed of market adaptation mediates the relationship between digitalization and export performance, highlighting the importance of rapid market response in improving global competitiveness. These findings provide valuable insights for industry players and policymakers to optimize digital strategies and maintain a competitive advantage in global markets.
Keywords: Digitalization,Market Adaptation Speed,Export Performance