The Impact of Job Engagement on Burnout with Extraversion as a Moderator


  • Erwin Pandu Wardana
  • Ratno Purnomo


Research on job burnout continues to evolve across various disciplines. This study aimed to examine the influence of job engagement on burnout among remote workers, with extraversion as a moderator, using the Job Demand-Resource theory. A total of 43 employees completed a questionnaire, which was then analyzed using multiple regression. The results showed that job engagement had a significant negative impact on burnout, meaning that the higher the level of job engagement, the lower the level of burnout experienced. However, extraverted personality did not moderate the negative influence of job engagement on burnout. This research contributes theoretically to the understanding that job engagement can reduce burnout. Therefore, practically, leaders are advised to increase employee engagement, especially for those working remotely.

Keywords: Job Engagement, Burnout, Ekstraversion, Remote work.


