Training on Creating Simple Promotional Media with the Canva Application for Culinary SMEs
In the current industry 4.0 era, promotion is usually divided into two parts, online media and offline media. Online promotion involves the use of social media and marketplaces, while offline promotion includes banners, pamphlets, banners, brochures, and more. However, the design must still be good, unique, and memorable so that people are motivated to follow the message conveyed. So the introduction of promotional media and training was carried out to community service partners in Culinary MSMEs, in the midst of a crisis. Culinary MSMEs still dominate the Indonesian market and are an idol, because eating is a basic human need. That is why food and beverage traders are always in demand. There is no need to be afraid of competition in this culinary business, because people have different tastes. MSME business people can ensure the superiority of their products, so that they have a certain market. There are several types of culinary businesses carried out by MSME entrepreneurs, ranging from light snacks, drinks, to daily staples. Although the products are the same, sometimes what distinguishes them is the taste, production method, and packaging system that attracts consumers. To attract consumers, MSMEs need promotions with unique and attractive designs and for this they often use external design services for the promotion of their programmes, although there is often more than one activity running simultaneously. This causes The expenditure of funds for design is large, with an estimated total of Rp.2,040,000 - 2,500,000 per year according to the programme organised. So finally it was agreed to provide training to the community on how to create promotional media using the Canva application, because the application is easy to understand, affordable, and can be accessed via Android mobile phones. This Community Service activity uses lecture, demonstration and practicum methods. Through this activity, participants will gain knowledge and skills in using the Canva application.
Keywords: Training, Media Promotion, Canva