Training in Avoiding Plagiarism using Paraphrasing and Mendeley Reference Manager for MBKM Research Students at FEB Unsoed


  • Isti Riana Dewi
  • Telma Anis Safitri
  • Ariella Raissa Rahmanina


MBKM research is a program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology that aims to prepare students to face the world of work or academic careers, as well as improve the quality of research in Indonesia. In the Faculty of Economics and Business Unsoed, there are several study programs with an average study period of more than four years. So that it needs to be prevented by increasing the capacity of students in writing scientific articles through several important strategies such as paraphrasing and reference management through Mendeley to avoid plagiarism so that the creation of scientific articles becomes more effective and efficient. The methods for implementing community service include training preparation, training implementation, evaluation and feedback, follow-up, and activity reporting.

Keywords: MBKM research; paraphrasing; plagiarism; mendeley reference manager


