lncreasing Sales of Fertilizers and Pesticides at Wiguno Agro Sentosa Agricultural Stores Through Social Media and E- Commerce
The digital revolution has changed the way we shop, including in the world of agriculture. Fertilizers and pesticides, as an important input in modern agriculture, can now be accessed more easily through e-commerce platforms and social media. By utilizing digital technology, farmers can obtain quality and affordable supplies without having to go far. Deni Apriadi & A. Saputra (2017) emphasized the importance of a marketplace-based e-commerce system to shorten the distribution chain, thereby increasing profits for farmers and consumers. Wiguno Agro Sentosa Agricultural Store is an agricultural store that provides agricultural equipment from fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural tools. Wiguno agro Sentosa is located in Wonokriyo Market, Gombong District, Kebumen, Central Java. The sale of Wiguno Agro Sentosa stores is only done offline or conventionally for farmers around the store, especially Kec. Gombong and has not yet made online sales both through e-commerce and social media. To increase sales of Wiguno stores, it is necessary to expand the market reach by using online sales, especially through social mediaFacebook, Instagram, tiktok and using e-commerce such as shopee, pedia stores and tiktok shops. The concept of online sales of the Wiguno agro Sentosa agricultural store. This concept focuses on effective digital marketing strategies to reach farmers as the main target market. These concepts include: in-depth understanding of farmers, online store optimization, digital marketing strategies, building customer trust, pricing and promotion strategies, logistics and rewards, analysis and evaluation. Online marketing of agricultural products provides convenience for farmers by marketing their products more effectively and reaching a wider market without geographical restrictions. Web-based e-commerce allows farmers to sell their crops directly to consumers or distributors, and online marketing through websites and social media expands market reach and increases sales. Wiguno Agro Sentosa's agricultural store is an agricultural store that has not yet made online sales, and to increase sales, they need to take advantage of social media and e-commerce such as Shopee and Tokopedia. The concept of online sales provides an effective digital marketing strategy to reach farmers as the main target market, and various challenges that need to be overcome when using online platforms.
Keywords: online selling, digital marketing concept, agricultural store.